Saturday, February 14, 2009

34 or 27 that is the question

34 or 27 days left, that is the question. It appears as though we have been told our drop dead date for being out of the CENTCOM AOR is the 21st of march. We weren't orginally suppose to leave Ghazni until the 21 but now we have to leave Kuwait by the 21st. When I took leave it took me 8 days to get home 7 of those were spent in between Kuwait and Ghazni.

It's been awhile since I have had direct access to my blog page. Micca has posted a couple of times for me. Today I managed to talk to the right person and get access to the wireless Polish Network.

Things around here have been pretty slow. The weather keeps the Medevac birds groundd a lot so we aren't allowed to conduct operations. It's a good rule but it makes things a little boring. The weather here is rather odd in that when the sun is shining and you are standing in the sun ot of the wind you get hot. THe sun is quite warm and believe the the altitude makes quite a difference. A couple days ago we got about a foot of snow overnight and today it is almost gone. The air temps get into the 30s but the sun is so warm it melts everything off.

To pass the time I have purchased a little remote control helicopter. It was a little more expensive than the ones you can buy at walmart... well ok a lot more expensive but it is eaily controled once you learn how. I fly it around the TOC (tactical operations center) when things are slow. I think at the moment there are at least 6 other people that have ordered similar helicopters. When I get home I have plans to upgrade and buy a bigger helicopter that I can fly outdoors. I had always wanted to be a helicopter pilot but my eyes were always to poor to pass the test. I guess this is how I can live out that dream lol.

Hopefully I will get back in the blogging grove and you will see more blogs before it is time to go.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Brent: I have been catching up on your blog since we returned from Florida. Wow, the countdown is nearing great is that? Got caught up with your mom and dad at shuffleboard last Weds. night. Our weather here this week was different. We left 70s on Sunday to return to 37 degrees, then two days in the 60s and then snow. What a roller coaster. Snow has melted & countdown to Spring has begun.
Keep busy and those days remaining will fly by for you. Hope your journey home is quite as long as before. Take care of U. D&J