Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The magic number is 19. 19 days that is, before we catch a ride out of this place. I don't think there is anyone more anxious to get home than I. I'm sure there are probably 14 other people that would argue with me. There is one guy who is staying fro another year. He's a new LT with college debt so he sees this as a way to pay it off. I on the other hand have taken most of the extra money that we receive while here and have paid off most of my debt and have saved for a cruise to take the kids on a nice trip when I get home. My sister and Johhny and Jax will be going with us as well. It should be a lot of fun.

Things here are prety much the same. The weather is starting to warm up and the snow is melting. This means we we will probably see increased bad guy activity, which we have already started to see a little bit of. Our replacements are currenty going through FT Benning which is what we had to do this time about a year ago. When we are done here we will go to Bagram and wait for a flight to Kuwait. Once we get to Kuwait we should leave there soemtime on the 21st and then we will demobilize at Ft Benning which will take a couple of days. Then I will actually get to go home.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent: It sound like you and Spring will be arriving about the same time this year. Everyone back home is anxiously awaiting both events. Take care of U and Godspeed!
Luv, D & J