Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm all out of topics......

I'm out of things to write about. I've got the usual stuff to say, such as I miss my wife and kids.

The thing that think about most while over here is what things will be like when I finally get home. I see pictures of the kids and can't believe how much they are changing. Drake is growing like a weed or appears to be and Ashtyn isn't far behind him. Both of them will be taller than Micca before long. Poor dade will be the short one for quite awhile still. Eventually Micca will be the shortest one in the family. Drake has started his Freshman year and it really bothers me that I can't get daily updates on his progress and how he is doing. He's never been one to write much so I get updates from everyone that talks to him. Ashtyn is becaoming the internet wiz which scares me a little. I will have to discuss internet safety with her when I get a chance.

It's funny how things I hear and see everyday are commonplace here but would be out of place or downright odd if you heard or saw these things at home. For instance we have Armed forces network TV which is a network put together by the department of defense that is a compilation of all differetn kinds of TV. We don't have commercials like you think of commercials they are more like public service announcements. They cover everything from the different types of powers of attorney to the difficulties of deployments on marraige. The big one I see now is the push to have people seek help for PTSD rather than try to hide it. The military is making the illness more mainstream and is getting rid of the stigma associated with it.

I thought the heat was starting to break and we were headed for fall but after a rather cool high of 118 yesterday we were back up to 122 again. I'm sure when I'm writing from Afghanistan in January I will be wishing I could have the heat back.... LOL. As the syaing goes when the soldiers stop complaining then you know there are really problems.

Well thats it for tonight



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