Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't let the cold water burn you

Thats what one of the ukrainians said I was on my way to the shower. I thought man he screwed that up, thinking he got his English all mixed up. I thought he was telling me the Hot water was really hot.

I step into the shower and now I'm a little cautious so I turn the shower on all cold which is always at least 85 degrees or so, the cold water is never really cold. They fill up these big plastic tanks that are 10-15 feet tall and 10 feet weide. They fill them almost every day which is important to the story.

The Cold water comes out and almost scalds me. Come to find out the water didn't get filled today so the low level of water combined with 2 days in the sun made it a nice hot water heater. It wasn't really scalding but it was about as hot of a shower as you would want to take.

Now this isn't my first experiance with this type of thing. When I was in Kuwait many years ago the cold water would get so hot it would scald us. We then got smart and turned off the breakers on the hot water heaters which were inside our little trailers. We then had a cold water reservoir in which to shower with.

Since I'm talking about water. I guess I should give another clue to my picture I took. So there it is... the clue that is "water"

Well I've got my new body armor. I took a break to type a little. Everyone set up thier armor a little bit differently depending on how you work and what you do. There is a lot of trial and error so it takes some time to lace in all of the ammuntion pockets and first aid kits and what not.

When I'm done I will take a picture of my armor and the next time I wear it I will post another picture of me. It's not much different but it is a little lighter and a lot more comfortable. The big thing I like about this one is it comes in a long size. Before I use to joke that my body armor looked like a halter top. It didn't really even cover my belly button. This one comes all the way down to my belt line.

Well anywasy back to my toys.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent , Glad you finally got armor that fits. Use it wisely. You and your Dad and Bridget always did have problems with the long waist. Wear it all the time and stay safe.

Love Mom