Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting ready to go

Yesterday I spent the day at the headquarters getting all of my paperwork in order. It was a somewhat sobering experience. I can't even count the amount of paperwork I had to review. It makes you realize that the possibility is there. Most of us (soldiers) never think it will be us that plays bullet or IED catcher. More times than not we think we are too well trained protected and armed for that to happen to us. The fact is that on occasion it does happen but there are lots of survior stories as wll and I think most of us think we will fall into that category.

Today Drake had surgery on his leg to lengthen his achilles tendon this is the first of two surgeries. I'm so glad I was able to be here for the first one, it will make things easier on me when I won't be here for the second one.

Drake cracked me up today when one of the nursed asked him if he was allergic to shellfish and he replied, "what does that have to do with this surgery are you putting shellfish in my anesthesia?" He is in good spirits and doing well.

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